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artist statement

I explore the simplicity of the horizon line. When traveling the world to coastal destinations, my sketchbooks and journals served as a permanent memory of heaven and earth. Using watercolors, paint, and graphite with an adhesive medium adhering beach sand, rocks and shells, my images capture the essence of its location.  Archival work includes the beaches of Bali, Lombok, Koh Sumai, Maui, Nice, Nantucket, Turks & Caicos, Mayan Rivera, Gili Islands, Los Rocques and Cabo San Lucas. 

My latest body of work focuses on the Long Island Sound. The Connecticut coastline, known for its oysters and views of Long Island serve as my inspiration. The coastline consists of diverse rocks, stones and seashells. I have unearthed hidden seascapes within the surfaces of these ancient objects. I have also composed a series of intimate sculptures where lifeless shells are supported by hundred thousand year old stones. The gentile balance creates striking architectural compositions that defy nature and yet may appear to have formed in the depths of the Sound’s salty waters.

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